Meet Our Expert Counselors & Family Coaches
Tony Vernon, Accredited Master Coach,
Professional Relationship/Couples Coach & Child and Family Coach (Trauma-Informed)
Tony is an established Relationship/Couples Coach, with a unique approach. Couples in Love need Skills, Tools and Mental & Emotional abilities to Succeed with Love. Also, unless couples in love are personally and professionally successful, their loving relationship and/or family usually suffers from the instability that happens with inadequate communication skills, character development and overall personal and professional success. Tony grew up in a broken home environment and through hard work and perseverance, worked his way out of it. After a period of ten years in which he worked with different therapists, counselors and coaches he decided to train in 1999 as a Professional Coach with Noble Manhattan Coaching and leading trainers in the field at that time. Today, 25+ years later, he is the Chief Education Officer for Credentialed Coach Training and an accredited/credentialed Master Coach with the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M) and an International Coach Trainer. Including his own time in therapy, counseling and coaching himself as a client he has 30+ years of coaching experience. His personal participation in counseling, therapy and coaching helps Tony to know what his coaching feels like and to know better what does, and what does not work to help clients to achieve results. In his 25+ years of working face-to-face and virtually with clients he has worked with many notable world leaders and many celebrities. Tony helps couples to succeed with Love, and families or parents to be up-to-date on parental knowledge. Tony studied under Dan Hughes, Ph.D., the Founder of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) to be able to provide greater professional support to help families, parents and children and to build better relationships, but primarily helps couples to succeed with love.
Tony built online educational programs for non-profit 501c3 Hippocrates Wellness, their Plant-Based Nutrition and Wellness Program (IAPC&M accredited) and their Accredited Professional Coach Training which is International Coaching Federation accredited, International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring accredited, and International Association of Therapists accredited. In 2024, after a decade of working for Hippocrates Wellness Tony had trained 1,600+ students in 63 countries many of them counselors, therapists, nutritionists, personal trainers and experienced coaches themselves.
Tony believes in furthering his training in personal and professional development and thus has studied with notable teachers from educational institutions to include: Harvard, Yale and Emory. He is extremely active in his commitment to learn more from the most knowledgeable, eminent professional people he can find, many of which are not mainstream – yet leaders in their own right either in theory, research, science, practical clinical work or business success. Tony is highly knowledgeable in coaching, exercise science to prevent or reverse disease, nutrition and emotional health. His personal words: ‘It is ineffective for a Physician, Therapist, Counselor or Coach, indeed any health or mental health professional not to be experienced in lifestyle medicine that includes: physiological needs, nutrition and exercise science and expect to be delivering improved mental health, wellness, and greater results and success for clients – lifestyle medicine and better education must become a part of all health professionals continued professional development, and curriculums.’ His commitment to learning from leaders as mentors has taken his professional skills to a high level. However, he is always looking to learn more.
He has studied under, or worked with many eminent leaders, including:
Amen Clinics – Daniel G. Amen, MD
Arredondo Advisory Group – Patricia Maria Arredondo, EDD
Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy – Judith S. Beck, PhD
Boston University School of Medicine – Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD
Brian & Anna-Maria Clement, Ph.D., L.N. – Director of Hippocrates Wellness
Carla Hannaford, Ph.D. – Author & Neurophysiologist
C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco/UCSF-Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute
Michael V. Pantalon, PhD, Cofounder of Recoverpad
Dr Margot Sutherland – The Centre for Child Mental Health, London
Esther Perel, MA, LMFT
Gabor Maté, MD
Gerard O’Donovan
Gestalt Training Center, San Diego – Erving Polster, PhD
Gil Institute for Trauma Recovery and Education, LLC
Harriet Lerner, PhD
Imago International Training Institute
Indiana University – Stephen W. Porges, PhD
International Center for Clinical Excellence – Scott D. Miller, PhD
John Brickell – Director of the Centre for Reality Therapy
John J. Ratey, MD – Author of Spark
John Welwood – Author and Psychotherapist
Meridien University – Jean Houston
Michael D. Yapko, PhD
Michael Greger, MD, FACLM – Founder of
Mindsight Institute – Daniel Siegel, MD
MIT – Noam Chomsky
New York University – Carol Gilligan, PhD
NLP University – Robert Dilts
O’Hanlon and O’Hanlon, Inc. – Bill O’Hanlon, MS, LMHP, LMFT, CPC for Cognitive Therapy, Huntington Beach CA
Paul Dennison, Ph.D. – Founder of BrainGym
Paul Valent, MBBS, DPM, FRANZCP, Consultant Laison Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute – Peter A. Levine, PhD
Spirit Rock Center – Jack Kornfield, PhD
Stanford Medical School – David Burns, MD
Stanford University School of Medicine – Irv Yalom, MD
Stephen Gilligan, PhD
Teachers College, Columbia University – Derald W. Sue, PhD
The Couples Institute – Ellyn Bader, PhD
The Divorce Busting Center – Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW
The Gottman Institute – Drs John and Julie Gottman
The Guest House – Judy Crane
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation – Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD
University of California, Irvine – Elizabeth Loftus, PhD
University of Illinois – Donald Meichenbaum, PhD
University of Minnesota – Eli Coleman, PhD
University of Nevada, Reno – Steven C. Hayes PhD
University of New Mexico – William R. Miller, PhD
University of Pennsylvania – Martin Seligman, PhD
University of Pennsylvania – Aaron T. Beck, MD
University of Southern California – Steve Frankel, PhD, JD
University of Texas at Austin – Saundra Jain, MA, PsyD, LPC
Weill Cornell Medical College – Otto F. Kernberg, MD, FAPA
And others…
Times have changed to the extent that the pursuit of a degree is now inefficient as what is studied will most likely be outdated by the time study is finished. We must find the right mentors or leaders in professional fields, and the best intelligent and specialized educational providers and learn from them, to reach our potential.
Tony has a mass of life experience and is well studied under notable professionals. He is also a previous athlete who competed at an International, World Class level. He uses a multitude of modalities, skills and capabilities and utilizes knowledge transfer to help his clients attain results and to succeed in all areas of life, and lectures on subjects including:
Self-Regulation – The Key to Health, Happiness & Fulfillment
Coaching – The Future of Communication
The Neurobiology of Loving Relationships
Lifestyle Medicine
Character Development
At heart, Tony is a Teacher, but is a professional, accredited/credentialed master mentor MMC and master coach AMC and believes in emotional support and that all good relationships are therapeutic by nature, but that helping clients to develop skills, tools and results is what counts. He is committed to helping his clients move forward using a Capability Model that the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring supports as an evidence-based Model for Professional Coaching.
Tony is a highly skilled Professional Relationship/Couples Coach, and works face to face with couples in South Florida and Los Angeles with several practitioners who work under his guidance. With physical offices in: Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Coconut Creek, Plantation, Fort Lauderdale, Aventura, Doral, Miami Beach, Coral Gables and Dadeland. He also sees many couples online for group sessions that are enrolled in his Succeeding with Love Online Program. practitioners offer home visits for sessions from Delray Beach to the Miami area for couples who cannot travel easily, due to professional commitments or childcare, etc. Tony and all of his practitioners also work with couples or individuals on Zoom globally with native English and Spanish speaking practitioners.
He was fortunate to have studied under the late John Welwood (Journey of the Heart). Therefore in his relationship/couples coaching practice he uses this work, as well as drawing upon decades of experience, study and ongoing training to achieve results for couples.
Tony is a partner in Noble-Manhattan Coaching Ltd and assists with developing their coach training and continues to work alongside their CEO, one of the longest standing, reputable coaches worldwide: Gerard O’Donovan, who is also the CEO of Credentialed Coach Training.
Tony believes medical, mental health and helping professions must become modernized. As well as providing client sessions practitioners must also provide engaging supportive online education to be of better service to clients, companies and humanity in this modern age of information technology. He is an advocate for combining Coaching, Healthy Eating Habits, Daily Exercise and Online Education as a fusion model to positively impact the mental health and happiness of couples, families and individuals who want to succeed in every area of life personally and professionally.
Dayerlis Charris
Dayerlis es originaria de Venezuela, actualmente vive en Estados Unidos. Su primer idioma es el español. Ha sido entrenada por Tony Vernon, HWC, NMC, AMC, MMC para apoyar a parejas al más alto nivel con lo que ha aprendido a lo largo de 30 años.
Antes de dedicarse al coaching de parejas, se dedicaba a ejercer su profesión como Abogada pero al llegar a USA por la necesidad de reorientar su carrera, decidió dar el salto al coaching que prometía un mayor desarrollo profesional y personal. Ha realizado un programa de formación de coaches acreditado por la Autoridad Internacional para el Coaching y Mentoría Profesional y ha trabajado con la supervisión de Tony.
Sin embargo, Dayerlis ha desarrollado su propio estilo y se ha convertido en una de nuestras expertas en coaching enfocada en resolver diferencias y profundizar el amor de pareja, apoyando a todos sus clientes a convertirse en la mejor versión de sí mismos, enseñándoles herramientas y habilidades que los ayudarán a tener éxito en la vida, los negocios y en su relación amorosa.
Posee una actitud positiva y es capaz de apoyar a las parejas con honestidad, integridad, flexibilidad y confianza. Dayerlis está trabajando para mejorar su propio potencial de liderazgo y el de los demás y disfruta trabajar en un buen ambiente. Siempre está dispuesta a aprender más para lograr sus objetivos personales y profesionales. Su experiencia previa como abogada trabajando en relaciones internacionales significa que sus comunicaciones interpersonales ya eran avanzadas, antes de formarse como coach profesional. Dayerlis tiene excelentes habilidades de comunicación y coaching, también está comprometida con el estudio del trabajo útil de los principales expertos, por lo que puede transmitir conocimientos para ayudar a sus clientes a tener éxito en la vida, en los negocios y en el amor. Su trabajo como coach profesional se compagina con el de abogada donde utiliza sus habilidades para ayudar a las parejas a alcanzar la realización y acuerdos mutuos. Considere que los seres humanos no somos los títulos que hemos obtenido en la vida; sino todo aquello que pudo descubrir y potenciar de nosotros mismos.
Antony Chatham, M. Phil., M.Th., MSW, LCSW
Antony Chatham, a Florida Licensed Psychotherapist and member of the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists, has been working with guests at the Hippocrates Wellness since 1994.
Antony has earned Masters’ degrees in Theology from Jnana Deepa University in Pune, India, Social Work from Barry University in Miami, Florida, and Philosophy from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. He has taken this knowledge and hands on experience in pastoral counseling (12 years) and mental health counseling (over 20 years) and integrated it with holistic traditions of healing from Eastern and Western cultures. Antony uses alternative modalities such as guided imagery, hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and regression in his work.
As a Priest/Minister Antony served Catholic Communities in India and the U.S. for 12 years. He has integrated his spiritual practices and training into his psychotherapy career, as well as Eastern practices of meditation and Western practices of hypnotherapy. These along with NLP, EMDR and regression allow clients to examine their past traumatic experiences from an observer’s point of view and to reframe every event from a spiritual perspective. He creates personalized meditations that address the various challenges his clients face. This nonconventional approach identifies and highlights the strengths of clients through affirmations and visualization, allowing his clients to gain inner freedom and promote inner growth.
Dayerlina Onoro De Charris
Dayerlina es originaria de Venezuela y ayuda a parejas de habla hispana virtualmente para Loves Hidden Policy, ya que ha sido entrenada por Tony Vernon, HWC, NMC, AMC, MMC para apoyar a las parejas al más alto nivel con lo que ha aprendido durante 30 años. Desde muy pequeña sintió la necesidad de educar y orientar, por lo que descubrió su vocación en este ámbito ya los 17 años obtuvo el título de maestra de primaria. Optó por formarse como Licenciada en Educación con mención en Orientación (Consejera). Posteriormente realizó estudios de posgrado en una Maestría en Orientación Educativa y un doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación.
Ha dedicado 38 años de su vida a la educación en diferentes cargos a nivel de gobierno que le han permitido liderar el ámbito educativo en su ciudad. En 1990 se desempeñó como Consejera Escolar, donde trabajó con personas de muy bajos recursos, donde prevalecían las familias disfuncionales; inmersos en diversos factores de riesgo como: embarazo adolescente, consumo de drogas, delincuencia, violencia intrafamiliar, abuso sexual, escasa motivación para el logro, inadecuado manejo de las emociones, bajo rendimiento escolar, crisis de valores, entre otros. Durante 16 años se desempeñó como docente en universidades a nivel de pregrado y posgrado. Dayerlina también lideró grupos con talleres y cursos de crecimiento personal, académico y vocacional, trabajó con familias en colegios para padres de instituciones educativas y ofreció asesoría y consulta a personas que tenían problemas en diversas áreas de su vida.
Dayerlina considera que el ser humano es una unidad: Mente, Cuerpo y Espíritu. Y está convencida de que las personas nacen con un gran potencial para realizarse en la vida y ser felices. Dayerlina siempre se está actualizando porque el conocimiento está evolucionando. Su lema es: Cree en ti mismo. Está disponible para sesiones virtuales para parejas españolas.