Universal Laws or Universal Truths are simply truths that give an individual permission to see the greatness within themselves, to appreciate their brilliance, to rise above mediocrity (the norm) and to know they can achieve whatever they want to achieve.
- Law of Service: As you honor, respect and love your own individuality, so you honor, respect and love the individuality of others. “The more I love myself, the more I can love/service others.”
- Law of Equality: Your true needs, wants, desires, hopes, dreams, wishes and their fulfillment are as important as those of any other soul in existence. “In The Creator’s eyes, I am just as important as the next person.”
- Law of Mastery of Self: As you Master your lower self, you become your higher self to access innovative solutions to challenges and goals.
- Law of Choice: If you wish to change your life, you must change your choices.
- Law of Belief: What you think, both consciously and unconsciously, you become. Our thoughts are our actions. Turn unconstructive words, thoughts and actions into positive ones.
- First Law of Increase:
- What you resist persists. Our negative patterns repeat themselves.
- The seeds of gratitude, kindness, joy, etc. will bring even more positives to you.
- Law of Attraction: You attract people, places and things into your life to help you grow emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. Some will push your buttons. Others will celebrate life with you. ‘Birds of a feather flock together.’
- Like Begets Like (The Mirror Law): What you see in others, is a reflection of what you see in yourself. ‘When we point fingers, we have three others pointing back at us.’
- Law of Love: Major transformation comes only when you:
- Define the issue.
- Express your feelings.
- Bring love to the issue.
You can only have the greatest clarity after the release of the emotional charge.
- Laws of Giving: As you give love, you receive that love back again. As you give, you gain in understanding.
- Laws of Karma: What you sow, you reap. As we do good things to ourselves and others, good things will come back to us. As we behave badly towards ourselves and others, “negative” events will come back to us. ‘What goes around comes around.”
- Law of Priority: You must first save yourself before you can save another.
- Law of Forgiveness: Forgive yourself to receive love from others. Forgive others to be able to give more love to them (for example: become more kind and compassionate).